Thursday, October 24, 2013

next step.... the interview


It's been awhile since I had an interview. But worst, I never had an interview for visa. Our schedule is already confirmed.

Papa P's schedule is 900H
Mommsy: 915H
Little china doll: 930H

Yes, you read it right even my just turned 2 years old princess is scheduled for an interview. I am not sure what will happen nor what will they ask her.

All I know right now that this coming interview gives me swirl and twirl in my tummy.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

to be or not to be an expat...

It is been awhile... Because my world turned upside down since my husband told me that we might need to relocate from one country to another due to his working assignment.

All of our trips we merely for pleasure. Mostly, they were short and sweet. But lo and behold, this trip is different. We might need to stay in Europe for more than 1 year. Some will surely say to us, to grab this immediately but since we have our little china doll, we need to consider lots of things.....

We are still in the process of fixing our documents and still everything is uncertain. A part of me is excited because it is a new world for us. But a part of me is scared because of language and culture barrier. 

I know we can do this as long as we are together, as long as my little china doll and papa p are with me. We can spread are wings and conquer the 1st world. :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Breastfeeding: The Best Way of Nourishing the Baby part 3

The Art of Breastfeeding

These are the techniques which will guide you in correctly positioning and latching on your baby during feeding sessions.

  • Relax and position yourself. Once you find your favorite place, relax and be comfortable. Sit down on the bed, on a chair or a rocking chair which ever makes you more relax. Use a foot stool to keep your knees higher than your hips.
  • Hold your baby. Hold your baby in your arm and let her neck rest in the bend of your elbow. Your forearm will provide support to your baby’s back while your hand into her buttocks.
  • You need to ensure that your baby is facing on the side to your tummy. This will prevent the baby from straining his neck or turning his head just to reach your nipple.
  • Raise your baby towards your breast. A good set of pillow will help you support your baby.
  • You can hold the baby’s arms or wrap around you. This position is known as the cradle hold or the most basic position.
  • After positioning correctly, hold your breast using your four fingers and offer your breast to your baby.
  • To properly latch your baby, tickle your baby’s lips or wait until the mouth is open wide like yawning before offering your nipple. You need to check if the baby takes the nipple and sucks the areola. To validate, check if your baby’s nose and chin are touching your breast. You can also hear your baby swallowing milk.
  •  If you find the baby’s suction is concentrated on the nipple section only, you need to reposition your baby by removing the suction through inserting your finger to your baby’s mouth and latch-on.
  • You can also feed your baby when you are lying down on the bed.  It is the same as the cradle hold position but the only difference is the baby and the mother are lying on the sides facing each other. This is known as the side lying position.
  • Football or clutch hold is another breastfeeding position available. This is an effective breastfeeding positions if you have caesarean delivery or if you have twins. You can sit up on the bed or chair and use a pillow to support your arm. Lay your baby on his back while using your hand to support the head and your forearm for your baby’s body. Ensure your baby’s feet are tucked under your arm and follow the same latch on technique.

May the above steps aid you in successfully breastfeeding your baby. Don’t be discouraged, it will take a lot of patience and practice in order to achieve the desired breastfeeding position and to properly latch-on your bundle of joy. When you are in doubt, ask and never give up. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Breastfeeding: The Best Way of Nourishing the Baby part 2

Breastfeeding Preparation

Below are ways to assist you in breastfeeding your baby joyfully and successfully.

  • Prepare and commit yourself. As early as conception, you need to prepare yourself with this new role physically and emotionally. Breastfeeding is a commitment to your baby because there are days it will test your patience and perseverance.
  • Look and ask for help. Joining breastfeeding support group and talking to friends who are in the same situation will aid you in understanding your new role. They will be able to provide you first hand information and tips regarding your feeding choices.
  • Make sure you are comfortable. In every breastfeeding sessions, select your desired place and position. This will prevent you of having muscle pains and back ache. Furthermore, you can also wear comfortable clothes, play a relaxing music and dim the lights during feeding sessions to promote cosy and relaxing atmosphere.
  • Preparedness is the key. To avoid any distractions during feeding sessions, you need to ensure the baby and your things are near like: a wash cloth or burping pad will keep the baby clean while snacks and refreshments will keep you hydrated. 
  • Watch your diet. Breastfeeding women need to eat healthy food and drink lots of fluid. Remember you are nourishing your baby. You need to avoid smoking, alcohol, caffeine and drugs. But when in doubt, you can ask your doctor, your midwife or health consultant for guidance.
  • Savor the moment. Feeding sessions are your exclusive time with your baby. This is the best time to talk, tell a story or sing a song to your baby. Touching your baby will also help and provide comfort to your little one.
  • Learn the techniques of latching and proper positions. These skills will aid you in successfully feeding your baby and encouraging enjoyable feeding sessions.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Breastfeeding: The Best Way of Nourishing the Baby part 1

Since I failed to meet the target deadline for the submission of my article, I decided to post this on Mommsy's haven and serves as a guide to new moms, expecting moms or any mothers who are currently breastfeeding their babies.

Mother’s milk is the best for the baby. It is specifically develop to meet the demands of the new member of the family. However, breastfeeding is not an easy way of feeding an infant.

In the early weeks, you will be challenged and tempted to almost quit. Thus, it will result to the easier way of feeding your infant, the bottle feeding. But once you realize the benefits it can give to the baby, to the mother and even to the entire family, you will start striving and learning to master the art of breastfeeding. This will help you to learn ways to make your breastfeeding journey a smooth sailing one.

Here are the benefits of breastfeeding to the baby.

•       Breastfeeding provides the required nutrition and strengthens the baby’s immune system. It contains everything he needed to become healthy and strong during the first 6 months of life.
•       Breastfeeding aids the baby’s brain development. Mother’s milk contains fats like DHA, ARA and omega 3. These fats boost the baby’s brain development.
•       Breast milk promotes easier digestion. It prevents upset stomach, constipation, diarrhoea and other intestinal infections resulting to healthy and happy baby.  
•       It lowers the risk of allergy, diabetes, high blood and high cholesterol later in life.
•       It promotes better dental alignment.

Benefits for the mother

•       Breastfeeding strengthens your bond with your baby. It promotes relaxation to both mother and infant.
•       Breastfeeding also helps you to reduce weight and regain your preconception shape faster. The extra stored fats in your body are converted to breast milk for your baby.
•       Breastfeeding reduces the chance of depression. Thus, it will help you to enjoy the life of motherhood.
•       It promotes healthier mother because it lessens the risk of various cancers like ovarian, uterine and breast.  It also minimizes the risk of osteoporosis in later life.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mommytreats: Goodies for a Milking Mommsy

I've been exclusively breastfeeding L for 21 months already. There were humps and bumps on our journey. But I'm so glad because I have a good friend who help me since then (yey! super thanks best) plus I found more moms who are willing to help and believing in the importance of breastfeeding. 

Initially, Mommy Joyce was my cookies' supplier but she stopped her cookie's production after giving birth to her second child. Good then, I visited Mommy Paola's Mommy treats and learned how easy and hassle free when ordering her lactation treats. Her treats are comparable with the price but they are very tasty and suits my taste. What I loved more about Mommy Paola, she has number of promos every now and then. Just visit her fb page and hola you can view promos like either free shipping, additional treats or offers cdo with no extra charge (blessing for moms who cannot visit the banks.)

I love her oatmeal cookies, muffins and most her brownies! These goodies help me increase my milk supply for my growing little china doll.

simple and clean box of mommytreats

white choco, chocolate and raisin oatmeal cookies

Have you found the right treats for you?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Toddler's toiletries: Is it the Right Choice?

I'm a first time mom and no expert on child rearing. But I was raised from a family of 5 siblings and I'm the eldest. Lucky me, I have a brief stint of taking care my younger siblings. During those times, I have learned 2 things:

1. No child is the same.
2. Trial and error will play a significant role when I'm raising my own child.

Yes indeed! I'm using trial and error when it comes to choosing the brands and products that my lil' china doll are using. This is not a paid advertisement but merely sharing the trusted products that L is using.

Shampoo: Chicco Baby Moments No-tears  - This smells heavenly and even after washing L's hair. The smell will last even after a long day of harutan and lots of perspiration. It's parabens free and hypoallergenic. 200ml is almost 300Php while 500ml is 400Php. It's too late before I knew the price of the 500ml and how much savings I'll be making if I buy the bigger one. Roughly 2 bottles of 200ml  were consumed during L's 1st year.

Physiogel cleanser - Initially, SLMC gave my lil' china doll Lactacyd (color blue) as cleanser. However after 1 month of using. I found L's skin is very flaky and dry. Then we shifted to Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. It's another mild product and was endorsed by her pedia. Lo and behold, I found few rashes on her skin after several days of using it. Then we shifted to Phyisogel Cleanser. It's mild, for sensitive skin and hypoallergenic. I'm glad because of this decision her skins is smooth and rash free since then. Roughly it will cost 300Php for 300ml bottle size. I think 1000ml of Phyisiogel Cleanser is cheaper at SnR.

Mamypoko diaper - This is my personal favorite among L's essentials. This is the brand of diaper that L is using ever since. This is may be pricey compared from the other diapers available in the market. But absorption is very important and it will ensure L's continuous sleep even during wee hours in the morning.

I still have a long list of toddler's essentials and hopefully share the remaining on succeeding posts.

How about you? What are the factors you consider when choosing toiletries for your little ones?